
Find your best Best Love Matches for 12 Signs

Martes, Mayo 12, 2015

Some signs are perfect matches while some are less compatible or even born opponents. Take note of the signs that is compatible to you.

Best Matches for 12 Signs:

Year of the Rat:   Your best love match are:  Ox, Rabbit and Dragon

Year of the Ox:  Your best love match are: Rat, Monkey and Rooster

Year of the Tiger: Your best love match are: Dragon, Horse and Pig

Year of the Pig: Your best love match are: Tiger, Rabbit and Sheep

Year of the Rabbit: Your best love match are: Sheep, Monkey, Dog and Pig

Year of the Dragon: Your best love match are: Rat, Tiger and Snake

Year of the Sheep: Your best love match are: Rabbit, Horse and Pig

Year of the Monkey: Your best love match are: Ox and Rabbit

Year of the Horse: Your best love match are: Tiger, Sheep and Rabbit

Year of the Rooster: Your best love match are: Ox and Snake

Year of the Dog: Your best love match are: Rabbit

Year of the Snake: Your best love match are: Dragon and Rooster

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